The thoughts, ideas, findings, and fancies of a Catholic student at Our Lady's University.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Something amusing on an otherwise somber day

I was waiting for a friend at the Academic Support Center at school yesterday, and in between fliers about proper capitalization and comma placement, I found this gem.

Gender Bias Pronouns

Acheiving unbiased language so that readers will concentrate on what you have to say rather than how you say it. It's also, I might add, a necessity...

It may be easy to avoid gender-biased nouns by replacing sexist nouns with more neutral ones: chairman with chair, mailman with paper carrier, and congressman with senator or representative.
The document then goes on to give several suggestions of how best to eradicate those nasty pronouns from your life, including the following example:
Biased Language
"Gradually, Toddler will see the resemblence between block creations and objects in his world, and he will begin to name some structures, like "house," "choo choo," and "chimney."

"Gradually, Toddler will see the resemblence between block creations and objects in her world, and she will begin to name some structures, like "house," "choo choo," and "chimney."
So...apparently the feminine doesn't count as a gender anymore. I'm feeling more empowered already.

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