The thoughts, ideas, findings, and fancies of a Catholic student at Our Lady's University.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Because this has to get published somewhere...

...Just not in any newspaper that I'm editor of. I don't want people to assume that I edited it when, in fact, I took its pulse and called it as soon as I read it. But as I said, it deserves to be read by someone. May it bring you as much joy as it did me.

Many people were upset earlier this year when it was discovered that the women’s basketball season would be cancelled for the fall. Certainly I was distraught to say the least, but what is the cause behind this horrible mishap, I wondered. What sort of gastronomical dilemma might have been responsible for such a tragedy. So I went to talk to the dean of administrative services, a Ms. Karen Kraft, who told me simply, “It’s kind of difficult to play basketball with four players.”

Perhaps, I thought, but what’s the real reason that we won’t be enjoying our beloved women’s basketball this season? There must be more to the story.

Well, it just so happens that last spring marked the end of coach Kieth Lindahl’s stay at ARCC, as well as most of last year’s basketball team. It seems that this is a reoccurring problem for two year colleges, trying to recycle players every two years instead of every four.

So even after putting up a strong recruitment effort, there simply were not enough players for the fall season. Besides the minor setback this semester, I am told to be prepared for an even more intense recruiting effort in the spring. With new coach David DeWitt, and a new batch of players, everyone has high hopes of a strong next season, and some great women’s basketball.

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